Post Office
Post offices can be found in practically every village with a panchayat (a "village council"), towns, and cities throughout India. After the introduction of commercial courier businesses in the 1990s, India's postal system was renamed India Post. It is managed by the Department of Posts of the Indian government. Inland letters, postcards, parcels, postal stamps, and money orders are accepted and delivered by India Post (money transfers).

Few post offices in India provide speed post (rapid delivery) as well as payment and bank savings services. It is also unusual for Indian post offices to sell insurance products or accept payment for utility bills such as electricity, landline telephone, or gas.Post offices used to collect payments for radio licence, government job recruitment, and the operation of public call telephone (PCO) booths until the 1990s.
Postmen would transport letters, money orders, and parcels to locations that are within the allotted area of a specific post office but do not have a post office. Each Indian post office is given a six-digit code known as the Postal Index Number, or PIN. The PIN of each post office is unique.
Private courier and delivery firms frequently have offices, albeit these are rarely referred to as "post offices," especially in Germany, which has completely privatized its national postal system.